Privacy and Agreement

This <User License Agreement> (hereinafter referred as to Agreement) is the final, integrated and exclusive agreement entered into between you (hereinafter referred as to You or User) and Bitafit concerning health weighing product or related service provided by Bitafit Interconnection. The agreement is of legally binding force on your behaviors of using Bitafit Interconnection's application or service. Therefore, please read through clauses of the agreement (minors shall read the agreement accompanied by guardian), including escape clause exempting or limiting responsibility of Bitafit Interconnection, restriction clause of user's rights, and clauses concerning agreement of dispute solution, jurisdiction and applicable law etc. If you do not accept any clause of the agreement, please do not install, duplicate or use Bitafit Interconnection's product or service. Users click on "Agree" button while registering to mean that the user totally accepts all clauses of the agreement and Bitafit Interconnection's amendment to the agreement from time to time in future. User's choice of visiting or using Bitafit Interconnection's service shall be deemed as acceptance of being bond by all clauses of the agreement.

1. Declaration of Rights

Bitafit Interconnection owns the intellectual property right of product and service and is protected by China's laws. Any unauthorized revision, duplicate, distribution, propagation, translation, reverse compilation or engineering of application belonged to Bitafit Interconnection are infringement act, and Bitafit Interconnect retains the right of taking action against the infringement act.

2. Services Provided by Bitafit Interconnection

1. Health product application of Bitafit Interconnection provides to uses services or functions including but not limited to: body-building, nourishing of life, pregnancy guidance, and reference guidance for baby development etc. (hereinafter referred as to Service). Unless otherwise stipulated, the clause shall be applicable unconditionally for all new function, service and product added for the purpose of enhancing or strengthening the present service.

1.1 Use Bitafit Interconnection's application to browse and read health consultancy will cause related traffic charge, which will be collected by the carriers. There will not be any other charge except for the traffic charge.

1.2 Bitafit Interconnection's application provides function of collection and synchronization. Bitafit Interconnection will take tight safety measures for user data server to guarantee safety of data.

1.3 Bitafit Interconnection's application provides function of update reminding, which needs to collect name and version of application software installed in user's cell phone to server for comparison, for the purpose of reminding you updating information of software.

2. Bitafit Interconnection will not promise that service must meet user's requirement, or service will not be interrupted. It does not guarantee timeliness, safety and precision of service either.

3. Bitafit Interconnection retains the right of charging for all or partial service in future.

3. Scope of Authority

1. User can install, use, displace and run the application on computer or other palm terminals for non-commercial purposes. User shall not install, use or run the application for purpose of commercial operation. User shall not duplicate, change, revise, articulate or create any derivative works to or from the application, data released to any terminal memory during operation of the application, or interchange data between terminal and server during operation of the application, in forms including but not limited to using plug-in, tag-on or unauthorized tool/service provided by any third party to access the application and related system.

2. Reservation of rights: All other rights not clearly authorized still belong to Bitafit Interconnection. User shall obtain written approval otherwise from Bitafit Interconnection for using other rights.

3. In the premise of obeying with laws and the agreement, user can use the application according to the agreement. User shall not carry out behaviors as follows (including but not limited to):

3.1 Delete information of version of the application and other copies;

3.2 Carry out reverse engineering for the application, such as disassembling, reverse compilation etc.;

3.3 Change or destroy original status of the application;

3.4 Behaviors jeopardizing network security, including but not limited to: unauthorized attempt of invading, scanning and testing weak points of the application system or network, or other behaviors jeopardizing network security; attempt of interrupt or destroy normal operation of the application system or website; intentionally spreading malwares or virus, and other behaviors interrupting and disturbing normal network information service; forging name or partial name of TCP/IP data package;

3.5 User uses Bitafit Interconnection's application and service through third party's compatible software and system which are not developed, authorized or acknowledged by Bitafit Interconnection; user uses plug-in and tag-on for Bitafit Interconnection's software and service which are not developed, authorized or acknowledged by Bitafit Interconnection;

3.6 Implement following behaviors against information of the application without written approval of Bitafit Interconnection, including but not limited to: using, duplicating, changing, linking, reprinting, assembling, publishing, establishing mirror site and deliberately using the application for developing related derivative product, work, service, plug-in, tag-on, compatible, interconnection etc.;

3.7 Use the application for publishing, transmitting, spreading and saving content violating national laws and jeopardizing state security, social stability, public order and good customs, or any improper, insulting and slandering, obscene, violent content or content violating national laws, regulations and policies;

3.8 Use the application for publishing, transmitting, spreading and saving content infringing legal rights of other people, including intellectual property right and commercial security right etc.;

3.9 Use the application to mass publishing, transmitting and spreading advertisement and junk information;

3.10 Use data or information of pictures or photos obtained from the application in a way of infringing trademark, copyright, patent, commercial secret or other exclusive right of any other party;

3.11 Add, cut and change function or operation effect of the software through revising or forging instruction, data and data package of the software, and use software of above purpose for broadcasting or operation to information network;

3.12 Use the application and service provided by Bitafit Interconnection for operating nuclear facilities, life support and other important equipment which may place human beings and their properties in danger. User shall understand that the application and service provided by Bitafit Interconnection are not designed for above mentioned purposes. Bitafit Interconnection shall not bear any liability for death and injury of human beings, serious loss of property and environment disruption caused by failure of above mentioned operation due to reason of software and service;

3.13 Without clear written authorization of Bitafit Interconnection, distribute, transfer or delegate software, service and related link, or obtain profit from using software and service or clauses of software and clauses, no matter whether the profit is direct economic or monetary gain;

3.14 Use the application and service provided by Bitafit Interconnection in any illegal way, for any illegal purpose, or in a way not in line with the agreement. If user violates the above stipulation, Bitafit Interconnection is entitled to terminate, fully or partially suspend, or restrict user from using function of the application.

5. Usage of the application shall obey with related national laws and regulations and this agreement in way of guarding national interest and protecting state security. User shall borne full liabilities aroused by usage violating laws or this agreement, and Bitafit Interconnection and its partners shall not be liable for any improper or illegal usage; Bitafit Interconnection and its partners is entitled to claim for compensation if the abovementioned usage causes loss to them.

6. If user does not obey with any clause of the agreement, Bitafit Interconnection is entitled to immediately terminate the agreement, stop providing the application and service to user and retain the right of taking legal action against user.

7. The application is free of charge. User can download, install, duplicate and distribute the application for non-commercial purposes. Bitafit Interconnection's written authorization shall be obtained for selling, duplicating and distributing the application for commercial purposes, such as preload and binding of software.

8. The application is free of charge and user shall take all risks of using the application. User shall meet requirements of operating the application and guarantees to be authorized to run operation system. Within the maximum scope of applicable laws, Bitafit Interconnection shall not be liable for compensation for, in any circumstance, special, unexpected, direct or indirect infringement, or loss aroused from user' using, or being not able to use the application, even being notified in advance the possibility of the damage.

4. Usage Regulations

User shall be reminded that usage of Internet shall obey with related national policies and laws, including criminal law, national security act, secrecy law, regulations on safety protection of computer information system and intellectual property right law etc., safeguard national interest and protection state security. User shall be fully liable for illegal usage of Internet.

1. Use shall not use the application for purpose violating national legal system.

2. Same to most computer software, the application may be disturbed by different safety or usage problems, for which Bitafit Interconnection shall not be liable, including but not limited to:

2.1 Other software downloaded and installed contains virus like "Trojan" etc., threatening safety of personal information and data, and further threatening usage of the application;

2.2 Encounter with malice webpage while browsing and visiting original links of news, making computer virus affected and damaged.

2.3 The application cannot be downloaded normally due to reasons of provider of the download file, network, software used by the use, or hardware.

3. Replacement, revision and upgrading of the application: Bitafit Interconnection retains the right of replacing, revising and upgrading version of the software at any time and charging you for replacement, revision and upgrading. Bitafit Interconnection will remind user about upgrading with pop up, and user can view and upgrade by himself as well. Bitafit Interconnection will not promise continuous usability of old version of the application after the new version being published. Bitafit Interconnection retains the right of unilaterally changing or restricting partial functions of the software for purpose of business development, and user shall take the risk.

4. Youngsters shall learn and use the application correctly under guidance of parents and teachers.

5. Bitafit Interconnection respectfully request you to download and install the application from official website of Bitafit Interconnection or in the appointed way. Avoid to download the application from non-appointed website in case that your computer being affected by malice program which destroys user data and obtains user's privacy information.

6. You can use the application and service for publishing original or authorized comments or feedback. But you have to guarantee that you own the copyright of, or have been legally authorized for, the content you upload, and your behavior of using the application and service is not infringing legal interests of any third party.

7. You understand and agree that once you use the application and service, you will obey with rights and duties stipulated in the clause, and you will be liable for all behaviors implemented in your registered name.

8. You understand and agree that Bitafit Interconnection cannot be liable for user's behaviors. You have to personally take all risks of using the application and service, and Bitafit Interconnection shall not promised in any form applicability, safety and avirulence of the application and service. You are oblidged to report to Bitafit Interconnection any illegal behavior found while using the application and service.

9. User shall not deliberately use the application and service for making and spreading destructive programs, including computer virus etc., or bring disturbance or chaos against the service and server or network linked to the application and service, or violate any requirement, procedure, policy or regulation of network linked to the application and service, otherwise Bitafit Interconnection shall retain the right of taking legal actions and is entitled to submit the case to related authority.

10. User shall not use the application and service for spreading, duplicating, transmitting or distributing any information impeding social security, or containing illegal, fake, harassing, insulting, intimidating, harmful, destructive, provocative and obscene content.

11. User shall not assign any right obtained from the agreement.

12. If user violated national laws and regulation or clauses of this agreement, Bitafit Interconnection and its partners are entitled to stop providing service to the user without bearing any liability. If the above violation results in that Bitafit Interconnection and its partners suffer from loss, or dispute, lawsuit and compensation claim from any third party, user shall compensate Bitafit Interconnection and its partners for the loss, and user shall bear legal liabilities for all consequences aroused by his violation against service clauses. Bitafit Interconnection is entitled to affirm and delete any article, data, picture, diagram etc. published by user, which are not conform to national laws, regulations and policies, or this clause, without notifying the user.

13. No matter what the reason is, Bitafit Interconnection is allowed to terminate any account (or partial accounts), and stop usage of the service.

14. User shall strictly not to, including but not limited to:

15.1 Use the application and service for spreading content objecting basic principles determined by the Constitution;

15.2 Use the application and service for spreading content jeopardizing national security, divulging state secrets, subversion of state power, and destroying state unity;

15.3 Use the application and service for spreading content damaging state honor and interests;

15.4 Use the application and service for spreading content inciting national hatred and ethnic discrimination and damaging national solidarity;

15.5 Use the application and service for spreading content damaging national religion policy and preaching cult, feudalism and superstition;

15.6 Use the application and service for spreading rumor and content disturbing social order and stability;

15.7 Use the application and service for spreading obscene, pornographic, gambling, violent, murdering, terrorism or crime instigating content;

15.8 Use the application and service for spreading content insulting or slandering other people, or infringing legal interests of other people;

15.9 Use the application and service for spreading content prohibited by laws and administrative regulations;

15.10 Use the application and service for uploading content jeopardizing network health, including virus, Trojan and worm;

15.11 Fabricate, publish and spread software designed for stealing Bitafit Interconnection accounts and exclusive information, property and secrecy of other people;

15.12 Use the application and other services provided by Bitafit Interconnection in any illegal way, for any illegal purpose, or in any way not in line with this agreement;

16. Bitafit Interconnection is entitled to put in advertisements and promotion information during service or through service. The advertisements may appear in form of system message or pop up etc.

17. If user violates stipulation of any one or more of above clauses, Bitafit Interconnection is entitled to delete related content, or terminate, fully or partially suspend, or stop providing service to user without prior notice; Bitafit Interconnection is entitled to claim for compensation for any loss caused by the violation behavior, including but not limited to penalty, compensation and related litigation and lawyer fees incurred to Bitafit Interconnection.

18. Bitafit Interconnection retains the right of changing, suspending, restricting, terminating or cancelling all or parts of its services for purpose of business development at any time without any notification.

19. Service provided by Bitafit Interconnection may contain advertisement. User agree to display advertisements provided by Bitafit Interconnection, third party supplier and/or partners during using.

20.Rights and Duties of Accounts of Bitafit Interconnection and Its Application.

20.1 You fully understand to log in Bitafit Interconnection application with account registered with email and log in "News Information" with MIUI account.

20.2 Ownership of Bitafit Interconnection account and "News Information" account belongs to Bitafit Interconnection. User of "News Information" application will obtain usage right of "News Information" account after application and registration procedure of MIUI account. The usage right shall only belong to the initial applicant, and bestowal, borrow, leasing, assignment and sales of the usage right are prohibited. Bitafit Interconnection is entitled to callback "News Information" account for purpose of business.

20.3 You have to right to change and cancel your nickname, Avatar and transmission content etc. of Bitafit Interconnection and "News Information" accounts, but attention that cancellation of related information will meanwhile delete all words and photos you save in the system.

20.4 You are obliged to properly keep account registration information and account password safe, and you shall bear legal liability for behaviors implemented in name of the account and password. You agree not to use account or password of other users in any circumstance. You can immediately inform Bitafit Interconnection if you doubt that other people is using your account or password.

20.5 You shall obey with clauses of this agreement and use the service in correct and proper way. If you violate any clause of the agreement, Bitafit Interconnection is entitled to terminate providing service for your Bitafit Interconnection and "News Information" accounts. Meanwhile, Bitafit Interconnection retains the right of calling back Bitafit Interconnection and "News Information" account and user name at any time.

20.6 Bitafit Interconnection is entitled to call back Bitafit Interconnection and News Information account if you have not logged in the account for long time (three months) after registration.

20.7 If user of Bitafit Interconnection application positively uses Bitafit Interconnection account to log in, or user of News Information application positively uses News Information account to log in, it means that user agrees to use personalized service provided by Bitafit Interconnection. You shall not pretend to be other people; not send, receive and share any information in name of other people; not maliciously use registration account to mislead other users; otherwise Bitafit Interconnection is entitled to immediately stop providing service and call back "News Information " account (Note: Account used for logging in News Information is "News Information" account).

20.8 You shall be fully liable for realness, legitimacy, harmlessness and effectiveness of information on Bitafit Interconnection account and News Information account, and solely take responsibility for spreading information.

21. With its reasonable judgment, Bitafit Interconnection is entitled to stop transmission of content violating laws, regulations or this agreement, or infringing, impeding and threatening rights or safety of any other people, or if behavior of transmission is implemented in name of others, and take proper legal action against any person who is believed to implement above-mentioned behavior according to its reasonable judgment, including but not limited to: deleting illegal, infringing and improper content from Bitafit Interconnection service; terminating membership of violator and stopping him from using any or part of Bitafit Interconnection services; and saving related information and reporting to authority according to laws and regulations, etc.

5. Usage, Restriction and Privacy Protection of User Information

It is consistent system of Bitafit Interconnection to value user's right of privacy. Bitafit Interconnection will take proper measures to protect your private information.

Privacy statement applicable for users sees attachment: <Privacy Protection Statement of Bitafit Interconnection>.

Bitafit include HealthKit framework. Bitafit share Health data (such as: height, weight, blood glucose, blood pressure) with the Health application. Bitafit don't get other data from the Health application, you can choose from the list of Health Bitafit, to start or to disable the share permissions.Bitafit will take reasonable steps to protect your Health data will never be used for marketing or advertising purposes.

6. Intellectual Property Right Statement

Except for content of news, intellectual property right of content provided in the service (including but not limited to webpage, word, picture, audio, video and diagram etc.) belongs to Bitafit Interconnection, and that of content produced by user while using the service shall belong to the user or related obligee.

Unless otherwise stated, copy right, patent right and other intellectual property right of software, based on which Bitafit Interconnection provides the service, shall all belong to Bitafit Interconnection.

Copy right and trade mark right of graph, word or its composition of Bitafit Interconnection and News Information, like logo, and other signs of Bitafit Interconnection and name of product and service involved in the service shall belong to Bitafit Interconnection.

Copy right and trade mark right of graph, word or its composition of Bitafit Interconnection and News Information, like logo, and other signs of Bitafit Interconnection and name of product and service involved in the service shall belong to Bitafit Interconnection.

Intellectual property right of above-mentioned and any other content of the service is legally protect. Without written approval from Bitafit Interconnection, other people shall not use or create derivative product in any form, or demonstrate, use or take other actions of logo of Bitafit Interconnection in any way, or state clearly to others that you are entitled to demonstrate, use or take other actions of logo of Bitafit Interconnection.

7. Service Risks and Escape Clause

1. License of Usage

1.1 License of using your terminal: for obtaining the interests provided by the application, user hereby licenses Bitafit Interconnection to use processor and bandwidth of user's terminal for purpose of browsing webpage and playing webpage video etc.

1.2 Protection of user's terminal resources: user recognizes that Bitafit Interconnection will make reasonable effort in business to protect user's terminal resources and privacy and integrity of terminal communication; however, user acknowledges and agrees that Bitafit Interconnection shall not provide any guarantee for the matter.

2. Bitafit Interconnection specially reminds user to attention that for protecting autonomy of company's business development and adjustment, Bitafit Interconnection owns the right of changing or interrupting service at any time without notifying the user, and its exercise of right of changing or interrupting service shall not bear liability for user and any other third party. Bitafit Interconnection will provide service to user only in premise that user agrees to this clause.

3. If user violates stipulation of this agreement and related service clauses, user agrees to compensate Bitafit Interconnection, its partners and affiliated companies for any compensation, request or loss claimed by any third party, including reasonable lawyer fee, generated or aroused by the violation behaviors, and protect Bitafit Interconnection, its partners and affiliated companies from harm.

4. Bitafit Interconnection and its partners shall not be liable for all losses of user due to fault of any third party, including error of communication circuit, technical problem, failure of communication terminal and network, instability of system and other force majeure etc.

5. If normal operation of service is impacted by force majeure, including technical problems, Bitafit Interconnection and its partners promise to cooperate in the first time with related parties for timely treatment and recovery; however, Bitafit Interconnection and its partners shall not be liable for any loss suffered by user due to above mentioned reason.

6. Same to most Internet software, the application is effected by differences of many factors, including but not limited to user, quality of network service and social environment etc., and may be disturbed by different safety problems, for example, other people takes advantage of user's information and brings harassment in real life; other software installed or other website visited by user contains virus like "Trojan", which threatens safety of user's computer terminal information and data and further influences normal usage of the application; etc. User shall enhance awareness of protecting information safety and user's data, and keeo properly the password to avoid loss and harassment.

7. Any other software derived from the application, which are not developed or published officially by or with authorization of Bitafit Interconnection, are illegal. Download, installation and usage of this kind of software may result in unpredictable risks and Bitafit Interconnection is not related to any legal liability or dispute aroused therefrom.

8. User shall understand that, usage of the application involves Internet service and may be influenced by unstable factors of every link. Therefore, there is risk of service interruption or service not satisfying user's requirement, due to force majeure, attach of computer terminal virus or hacker, instability of system, position of user, power off of user's equipment, and other problems of technology, interconnection network and communication circuit. User has to take the risks above thereof and Bitafit Interconnection shall not guarantee anything. Bitafit Interconnection shall not be liable for any failure of user sending, receiving or reading information, or sending or receiving wrong information aroused therefrom.

9. User shall understand that while using the application, there is risk of receiving information from any other people, containing threatening, slandering, disgusting or illegal content, or anonymous or false information infringing other people's rights (including intellectual property right). User has to take the risks and Bitafit Interconnection and its partners shall not guarantee in any form the service, clearly or implicitly, including but not limited to implied warranty and condition of realness, applicability, suitability for certain purpose, ownership and non-infringement of all information. Bitafit Interconnection shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, occasional, special and subsequent damage aroused by use's improper or illegal usage of application.

10. While user using the application or requesting Bitafit Interconnection to provide customized service, the application may call third party system to support user's usage or visit, and result of usage or visit will be provided by third party and Bitafit Interconnection does not guarantee safety, precision, effectiveness and other uncertain risks of results realized with support of third party system. Bitafit Interconnection is not related to, or bears no liability for any dispute or damage aroused therefrom.

11. Information content defined by Bitafit Interconnection includes: words, software, audio, photo, video, diagram; all content of advertisement; commercial information provided by Bitafit Interconnection. All content above thereof is protected by laws of copyright, trade mark right and other intellectual rights and ownership. Therefore, user shall only use the content with authorization of Bitafit Interconnection and advertisers and not duplicate, change or write the content, or create derivative product of the content without authorization.

12. While using application and service, user has to personally take following risks not controlled by Bitafit Interconnection, including but not limited to:

13.1 Risk of loss and leakage of personal information, including name cards and SMS etc., due to force majeure;

13.2 User has to choose version of Bitafit Interconnection software matching with computer terminal, otherwise user has to personally bear any software problem or damaged caused by mismatching between software and terminal or operation system.

13.3 Risk of safety of user's computer terminal privacy information while using the application and service.

13.4 User has to personally bear quality problem and safety problem etc. while using the application for visiting third party website.

14. Bitafit Interconnection reminds you:

14.1 Usage of the application shall obey with national laws and policies, safeguard national interests, protect state security and follow this agreement. User is fully responsible for all consequences of usage violating laws or this agreement. Bitafit Interconnection and its partners are not liable for consequences thereof and entitled to claim for compensation and retain related records, if suffer from loss caused thereby. Moreover, if user violates laws, this agreement or related service clauses stipulated for using Bitafit Interconnection and News Information accounts for accessing other services of Bitafit Interconnection and News Information, Bitafit Interconnection is entitled to take actions without notifying the user, including but not limited to interrupting usage license, stopping providing service, restricting usage, calling back user's News Information account, legal proceedings etc, depend on behavioral nature of the user.

14.2 Any other software derived from the application, which are not developed or published officially by or with authorization of Bitafit Interconnection, are illegal. Download, installation and usage of this kind of software may result in unpredictable risks and Bitafit Interconnection is not related to any legal liability or dispute aroused therefrom. User shall not download, install or use this kind of software.

14.3 User shall understand that Bitafit Interconnection will provide your personal information according to laws or request of governmental authorities, and Bitafit Interconnection will not be liable for legal responsibilities aroused therefrom.

14.4 User shall understand that there is risk of other people using Bitafit Interconnection for spreading information with threatening, slandering, disgusting or illegal content anonymously or in name of other people, and Bitafit Interconnection will not bear any liability for any consequences thereof.

14.5 Bitafit Interconnection clearly states that not to guarantee in any form, clearly or implicitly, timeliness, safety and precision of services provided by Bitafit Interconnection and its partners.

14.6 If you violate stipulation of this agreement and related service clauses, you agree to compensate Bitafit Interconnection, its partners and affiliated companies for any compensation, request or loss claimed by any third party, including reasonable lawyer fee, generated or aroused by the violation behaviors, and protect Bitafit Interconnection, its partners and affiliated companies from harm.

8. Others

1. Bitafit Interconnection solemnly reminds user to pay attention to and read thoroughly the clauses of exempting Bitafit Interconnection's responsibilities and aggravating use's duties, and consider risks independently. Minors shall read the agreement accompanied by guardian

2. Any invalid or partially invalid clause of the agreement shall not influence validness of other clauses.

3. The agreement is signed in Beijing. Laws of the People's Republic of China are applicable for interpretation, effectiveness and solution of dispute of this agreement. Any dispute or controversy rising between user and Bitafit Interconnection shall be solved through friendly and mutual negotiation; if fails, user hereby totally agrees to submit the dispute or controversy for jurisdiction of Beijing Arbitration Commission.

4. Subjects of all clauses of this agreement are only for convenience of reading. They are not of practical meaning and shall not be used as accordance for interpreting this agreement.

5. If you have any comment on Bitafit Interconnection and its service, please visit our website

9. Supplementary agreement

Privacy Protection Statement of Bitafit Interconnection

Bitafit collects data based on your interactions with us and the choices you make, including your privacy settings and the products and functions you use. Commitment to comply with this privacy protection statement, and ensure that users' personal information and personal privacy are not leakedBitafit promises to obey with this privacy protection statement and ensures that user's personal information and privacy will not be leaked. This privacy protection statement is aimed to announce privacy policies of Bitafit Interconnection's application and explain collection and usage of user's personal information.

1. Collection of Personal Information

Bitafit Interconnection collects information for the purpose of providing better service to all users, including some basic information as well as personal account information being used for registering and using Bitafit Interconnection and its products. Such as:

1.1 Equipment Information

Bitafit Interconnection collects information of equipment, such as type of cell phone, system platform and software version etc. All information will help us improve usage experience of application and ensure that the latest version and function are available for user.

1.2 Position Information

When you visit our website or use our application, we may locate your geographic position, which will help us provide you information, including local news etc.

1.3 Log Information

When you use Bitafit Interconnection's application, we may automatically collect some information and save to server log, including:

① Functions of application used, sequence of access, type and frequency of news read, channel searched and subscribed;

② IP address;

③ Your network request and type of cell phone, and date and time of submitting request;

④ Collect information of crash event of application, like flash back, for the purpose of following up and remedy.


Product Improvement. We use data to continually improve our products, including adding new features. For example, Optimize user experience, provide users with more comprehensive services and product communication channels.


To improve our product and provide you better service, we also share personal data with vendors or agents working on our behalf for the purposes described in this privacy policy. For example, companies we've hired to provide data analytical services may need collect and access to personal data to provide those functions. In such cases, these companies must abide by our data privacy and security requirements.


We process Personal Data for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy, as described above. Our legal basis to process personal data includes processing that is: necessary for the performance of the contract with you (for example, to provide you with the services you request and to identify and authenticate you so you may use the Sites); necessary to comply with legal requirements (for example, to comply with applicable accounting rules and to make mandatory disclosures to law enforcement); necessary for our legitimate interests (for example, to manage our relationship with you, to ensure the security of our services, to communicate with you about our products and services); and based on consent by our customers (for example, to place certain cookies and to share your information with third parties for advertising purposes).

In some instances, you may be required to provide us with Personal Data for processing as described above, in order for us to be able to provide you all of our services, and for you to use all the features of our Sites.

We will collect, sort up and properly keep information you provide to Bitafit Interconnection. For providing your better service, we may share user's information with our partner; however, we will supervise our partner to obey with privacy protection statement for protecting user's privacy.

5、International Transfers of Personal Data

Our business may require us to transfer your Personal Data to countries outside of the European Economic Area (“EEA”), including to countries such as the People’s Republic of China or Singapore. We take appropriate steps to ensure that recipients of your Personal Data are bound to duties of confidentiality and we implement measures such as standard contractual clauses. A copy of those clauses can be obtained by contacting our Help Center.

6、Your Rights

①Subject to limitations in applicable law, you are entitled to object to or request the restriction of processing of your Personal Data, and to request access to, rectification, erasure and portability of your own Personal Data. Where the use of your information is based on consent, you can withdraw this consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

②Requests should be submitted by contacting us through【070-4327-5801】

③If you are aware of changes or inaccuracies in your information, you should inform us of such changes so that our records may be updated or corrected. You may lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if you consider that our processing of your Personal Data infringes applicable law.

④We retain your Personal Data as long as needed to provide services or products to you, or as required or permitted by applicable laws, such as tax and accounting laws.

6. Duty Exemption,Besides exemption of duties stipulated in Clause 5, Bitafit Interconnection will not bear any liability for following situations as well:

① Your personal information is leaked due to that you tell other people the account and password, or share with other people the registration account;

② Personal information is leaked, lost, stolen or tampered due to force majeure influencing normal operation of network, including hacking, virus invasion and temporary closure due to government regulation;

③ Personal information is leaked by other websites linked to Bitafit Interconnection and any legal dispute and consequence thereof.